A New Species of
the Athyriaceae from Hong Kong:
taimoshanensis Ng et al., stat. nova
Ng et al., 23rd
Nov., 2005
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We confirmed a new Diplazium species exists in Hong Kong, which
resembles the species: Diplazium serratifolium Ching,
Diplazium maonense Ching and
Diplazium doniamum (Mett.) Tard.-Blot. Based on the
similar morphological characterizes for those of
Diplazium serratifolium Ching,
we believed that there is a geographic variety firstly, but
differs primarily in its creeping rhizome, then compared
with Diplazium maonense Ching and
Diplazium doniamum (Mett.) Tard.-Blot
again. As the result, It is
considered a new species in Hong Kong.
Tai Mo Shan,
Athyriaceae, Diplazium, Diplazium serratifolium
Ching, Diplazium taimoshanensis Ng et al.
stat. nova, Diplazium
doniamum (Mett.) Tard.-Blot and Diplazium maonense
Specific epithet "taimoshanensis" is from Tai Mo Shan, name of the
highest mountain in Hong Kong which are 958 meters in the
peak, and where the
new species is discovered.
Key to Genus Diplazium
(incl. D. taimoshanensis, D serratifolium)
known species Diplazium
of Hong Kong
All of about 30 species of
Diplazium are well known in the world (using
Ching's system of classification ) and only 4 species found in
Hong Kong.
1. Lamina single, tapering to either end, margin entire
Diplazium subsinuatum (Wall. ex Hook. et
Grev.) Tagawa
or pinnately ........................... Diplazium
tomitaroanum Masamune
2. Lamina pinnate, 1 terminal
pinna with pairs of lateral pinnae.
3. Lateral pinnae: 10cm~12cm long, by 3.5cm from voucher specimen from
Hong Kong ( data from
20cm long by
2.5~5cm max.), margins entire, subentire
or undulate, crenation at apex.
........................... Diplazium donianum (Mett.) Tard.-Blot
3. Crenation at lateral pinnae from upper base to apex.
4. From voucher specimen from Hong Kong, lateral pinnae it measures
11cm, by 2.5 ~ 4 cm (18cm
long max from literature), ovate-lanceolate.
"Terminal pinna: lobes in lower part
........................... Diplazium maonense Ching
4. Lateral pinnae measures 11 ~ 21 cm long, by 2.5~5cm or above,
similar to terminal pinna, and with
falcate apex.
5. Rhizome erected, Stipes tufted, length of pinnae measures 11 ~ 18
cm long, by 2.2 ~ 4 cm,
crenation at middle and upper
part ........................... Diplazium serrtifolium Ching
5. Rhizome creeping, short. Stipes spaced on the rhizome, lamma
pinnate, 16~21 cm long, by 4 ~5
cm (or above) wide, margins almost regular serrations or toothed at the mature age.
........................... Diplazium taimoshanensis Ng et al.
Classification and Botanical
SUBPHYLUM: Filicophytina
Class: Leptosporangiopsida
Order: Polypodiales
Family: Athyriaceae
Sawtoothed Lady-fern ( Diplazium
taimoshanensis Ng et al., 2005, stat. nova. )
Flora Ngiana, Acta Scientrium Ngensis, XI, 2005.
Specimen Here!

Rhizome: black, short-creeping, with few scales, with a mass thick
root, 5cm depth underground, hard and woody. Stipes: about 18 ~
35cm long, spaced on the rhizome, few
black scales in the base, black. about 0.1~0.3cm dia.,
Scales with tooth margin, less than 0.5 cm
long. Lamina: texture thick papery or
coriaceous, simply pinnate, 18~30cm long by 20cm wide,
with 1~2 pairs of lateral pinnae and a simple
terminal pinna, pinnae lanceolate, with falcate apex.
Terminal pinna is slightly longer than lateral, opposite at lower
pairs. attachments petiolate. Pinnae: margins undulate or serrate
at the middle and lower, and almost regular serrations
or toothed at the
mature age. Serrate crest measures 0.05cm and 0.2 cm max. Veins:
oblique and forked, free, each branch grouped with 3
(or 4) single
veins. Sori, dark-yellowish, along the basal veins, elongate, at the
middle between the mid-rib and margin, with elongate indusium. length
Species proxime affinis
Diplazium donianum (Mett.) Tard.-Blot, a qua differt
statu multo majore, marginibus serraturis majoribus preaditis, pinnis
paucioribus, tenuribus, utroque sensim angustatis.
Planta 75cm alta. Rhizomate repente, paleis rhizomatis nigris, ovata-lanceolatis,
marginibus inciso-serratis. Stipite ad 18~35cm longo, ca. 0.1~0.3 cm diametro,
basi stipitis paleis fuscis. Pagina frondis textura chartacea, lamina oblonga,
18~30cm longa, 20cm lata, pinnara cum pinna impair terminali lateralibus simili,
1-2-jugis, magnitudine similibus, utroque sensim angustatis, apice longe
acuminates. Pinnis margine serratis. Venis trifurcates, Soris lineribus, plerumque
diplazioideis, indusiis linearibus.
Illustrations: 1.
the whole plant,
Rhizome with stipes,
of fertile frond,
Mid-lower part of a pinna,
scale, (drawn refer
series of typus and isotypus specimen: NSF-F36808, A, B, C)
Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong,
locally quite rare and only few spots were found in
the single point from the secondary forest, at
altitude 780m circa, under the shelter from giant
rocks, It is associated several species of Bambusa
and other ferns such as: Vittaria flexuosa
Fee, Asplenium austrochinense Ching,
etc. Other rare species, the very
rare orchid species to Hong
Kong, Anoectochilus yungianus S.Y. Hu,
also been found at the same place.
Special Note
Cognitio Sapiens Ngensis ( ), code name for our
researching projects, both social and natural science, we organize an
team for investigation into the flora of Hong Kong, it will
pay to be assiduous and honest to this job. It differs greatly from others, we
don't need spend more money which from the foundations, but only traffic
disbursement, foods and walks. we need the truth, instead of those of
honor that carries no privilege.
Pteridology of Hong Kong is the most glamorous for us because more works still
should be needed. We do believe that there are still exists of many hidden ferns
species in Hong Kong. But,
How and
when can we find them?
volunteered for this hard and unprofitable job and try to do our best to solve
the problem.
(1) Ching in Hong Kong Naturalist, 7(1):
88, 1938.
(2) Ching et Wang in Materials
for the Pteridophytic Flora of Hainan, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8 (2),
(3) Ching
et Wang in Additional Materials
for the Pteridophytic Flora of Hainan, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8 (2),
(4) Editional Committee of the Flora of Taiwan, Flora of Taiwan,
Vol.1, Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1994.
(5) Editional Committee of the Flora of China, Icongraphia
Cormophytorum Sincorum, Tomus I, 1995.
(6) H. H. Edie, Ferns of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press,
(7) Hong Kong Herb., Check List of Hong Kong Plants 2004, 2004.
(8) Kuo, Photographic guide to 300 species of Taiwan Ferns, 2003.
(9) Li Jian-zong et al., Flora of Hunan, Vol. 1, Hunan Science &
Technology Press, 2004.
(10) Wu Shiew-hung et al., Flora of Hong Kong -
Pteridophyta, Kadoorie & Botanic Garden, 2003.
(11) M. L. So, Hong Kong Ferns, Urban Council, HK., 1994
(12) W.M.Chu et Z.R. He, Flora of China, Vol.3 (2), Science
Press, 1999.
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